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Reptile Scientific Information Portal

This page acts as a portal to scientific information gathered and made available in one location. As more we gather more information and compile it into a readable format, we will continue to post it here. We currently have the following subjects available or in the works at this time. Check back each week or 2 to see the new information.

We will soon be posting a short article concerning the viability of Russian Tortoises when housed outdoors year-round. Some amazing information has become available and we're anxious to share it.

Reptile Topics Available



Birth - Eggs or Live?

You've got...EGGS!!!

Coming soon:
Venom in Reptiles - new information has this severely delayed
We may have some extremely exciting news but are awaiting eggs/hatchlings before getting too excited right now. Suffice to say that genetics testing will be involved as well as possible publication if things prove out like I believe they will.
Other topics as we come up with them or they get suggested.

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